Sermon Recap
No matter who you are or what you’ve done, storms will come up in your life. In the revisitation of the sermon series, Through the Storm, Dr. Brian Keesler comforts those finding themselves in the middle of a trial by reminding them that Jesus is the wave walker. Dr. Keesler stresses that the presence of a storm generally has nothing to do with what that person has done, but rather who they are and where they’re going. If you find yourself in a trial or tribulation, it is likely happening because you are walking in obedience. Dr. Keesler uses the account of the disciples crossing the lake in Mark 6:45 to illustrate this concept. The disciples obeyed Jesus’s command to get in the boat and head toward Bethsaida. As the disciples traveled to the destination that Jesus commanded, they encountered a storm. When Jesus saw the disciples struggling at rowing and heard their cry for help, He got in the boat and calmed the storm. This passage notes that Jesus was ready to pass them by before He heard their cry. The same is true for those found in Christ. Jesus is attentive and willing to respond, but the righteous must be willing to ask for help. As you watch this encouraging sermon, find reassurance in any situation knowing that Jesus sees you, your trial is not because of anything you’ve done, and He is about ready to get in your boat.
Scripture References
Psalms 34:17-19 (NKJV)
Mark 6:45-52 (NKJV)
John 16:33 (NKVJ)