New Creation Church
Can’t attend a church service in person? Join the NCC live stream from the comfort of your own home—or anywhere else you might be! We broadcast all of our worship services live so you never have to miss a message. Catch our live stream here on our website or find it on our Facebook, YouTube, or Vimeo. Our feed begins five minutes before the start of every service and features the same lineup of in-house events including a powerful worship experience.
Live Stream Schedule
Sunday: 9 am | Sunday: 11 am | Wednesday: 7 pm
Thank you for watching today’s message! Here are a few items you may find beneficial after watching.
Did you receive salvation or healing during one of our services? We would love to hear! Please email us at so we can celebrate with you.
Do you have a prayer request? Please fill out our request form so our ministry team can stand in agreement with you.
Past ncc Sermons
Missed a live stream? All of our sermons are available on-demand in our video database.