The Gospel

The Gospel Part 2: Removing the Veil - Pastor Brian Keesler

Sermon Recap

Many times when sharing our faith we become discouraged due to the lack of immediate fruit that we see. In this powerful message Pastor Brian Keesler explains how we can stay encouraged and continue to share our faith understanding that satan has blinded the eyes of the lost so they cannot see the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Gospel Part 1: Preach the Gospel - Pastor Brian Keesler

Sermon Recap

The great commission is not just a good suggestion. In this message, Pastor Brian Keesler teaches that the moment you become a Christian is the moment you enter into ministry. As believers, we do not have a choice whether or not we get to proclaim the gospel of Jesus. It is our duty. You might not feel like a preacher, but according to Mark 16:15 you are called to evangelize.

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