Finding Joy Part 3: Joy in Giving - Dr. Brian Keesler

Sermon Recap

You might not always feel happy, but you can always be full of joy. In Part 3 of the sermon series, Finding Joy, Dr. Brian Keesler continues to share ways believers can remain joyful, even amidst adverse circumstances. In this message, Dr. Keesler focuses on how to find joy in giving. Dr. Keesler begins his sermon by differentiating between the two types of emotions that motivate someone to give—fear and love. People either give to God because they love Him or because they fear Him. Many Christians view God as a “cosmic mafia boss” that is going to come to collect if they don’t pay up. If a person gives just to fill an obligation or to avoid punishment their motive is wrong. Giving that is based on this mentality rarely ever results in joy. On the contrary, when a person gives out of their love for God and the brethren they are able to experience true joy. The very nature of God is to give and as born-again believers we should share in His desire to freely give. As you watch this sermon prepare to see giving in a whole new light and experience the overwhelming joy that comes from having a generous heart.

Scripture References

  • 2 Corinthians 8:1-15 (TPT)

  • 2 Corinthians 9:6-15 (TPT)

  • Romans 15:13 (TPT)