Pastor Dana TenBrink

Progressing into Spiritual Maturity Part 2 - Pastor Dana TenBrink

Sermon Recap

Every follower of Christ has a race to run, but how they finish is up to them. In the continuation of the message about maturing spiritually, Pastor Dana TenBrink compares the priorities of a spiritually mature believer with the pitfalls of someone who is spiritually immature. A spiritually mature Christian rejoices instead of complaining, receives the Word through repetition, avoids evil, worships in the Spirit, and places no confidence in the flesh. The immature Christian does not mature because they are spiritually lazy, easily distracted by the things of the world, consumed with harmful relationships, and careless with the knowledge they already received. Prepare to grow up even more in God after listening to this motivational sermon.

Progressing into Spiritual Maturity Part 1 - Pastor Dana TenBrink

Sermon Recap

A separation is soon coming to the Body of Christ. This distinguishing event will signify rapid growth for some and a great falling away for others. In this cautionary sermon, Pastor Dana TenBrink, Associate Pastor of New Creation Church of Owosso, warns the church about the pending downfall that can result from not pursuing spiritual maturity. Learn the signs of an immature Christian (needs milk, unskilled in righteousness, doesn’t develop) vs. a mature Christian (can handle solid food, skilled in righteousness, can accept correction from the Word) and make sure you endure the race by growing up in God.

Building on a Firm Foundation Part 2: The Wise Man and the Foolish Man - Pastor Dana TenBrink

Sermon Recap

In Part 2 of the sermon series, Building on a Firm Foundation, Pastor Dana TenBrink of New Creation Church takes a look at the differences between the wise man and foolish man mentioned in Matthew 7:24. Both men heard the teachings of Christ yet one was washed away in the same storm. In this foundational teaching, Pastor Dana reveals attitudes that can either build up or wear away our stability. What you build on will determine your outcome. Make sure your foundation is firm.

Building on a Firm Foundation Part 1: Hearers and Doers - Pastor Dana TenBrink

Sermon Recap

Do you know what kind of foundation you are building on? In this teaching Pastor Dana TenBrink encourages believers to ask themselves this very question. She then shares the first key to establishing a firm foundation—acting upon the words that we hear God speak. In this timely message, Pastor Dana challenges viewers to take time to listen to what the Father is saying and then to act upon those words in obedience.

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